When you need to hire a process server in Orange CA, you want to be sure that you are hiring an experienced person who is trustworthy. Unfortunately, not all companies that offer these services fall under that description. Keep reading to learn how you can tell you are dealing with a company that is not going to scam you, then contact AAA Attorney Services at (714) 633-4167 for help from an experienced company.
Choose Process Servers that are both local and have been screened
Fake process servers and debt collectors are rampant, and legitimate process servers have been taken advantage of. If you have any doubts about whether or not a process server is properly providing you with documents, consider the following questions.
Is the process server requesting payment from you (the recipient)?
The parties who pay are the lawyers, private persons, or corporations who engaged the process server. A process server is never paid by the recipient. If a “process server” demands money from you, we recommend denying all forms of payment and reporting the situation to police enforcement.
Do you recognize the person who is attempting to serve you papers?
A process server must not be a party to the litigation in most, if not all, states. That means the person who is suing you or someone else engaged in the case cannot serve legal documents on you and claim that they were properly served. For further information, look up your state’s process service rules and regulations.
Is the process server under the age of eighteen?
A phony process server may try to persuade you to open the door by using a youngster, who appears to be less frightening. Most states, however, require that the process server be at least 18 years old, thus a youngster cannot lawfully serve you.
Do you feel threatened by the process server?
Process servers are law enforcement officers, not lawbreakers. They should not make you feel threatened or intimidated. Keep in mind that professional process servers are not directly invested in collecting money from you because they are not participating in the case. Process servers are likewise unable to issue arrest warrants; only a marshal or other authorized official may carry out an arrest order.
Is the process server requesting personal information that might be used to identify you?
Process servers frequently request identifying information (such as your name) to ensure that they are serving the correct person. They should not, however, request critical personal information such as your social security number, credit card information, or debit card information.
If someone requests for sensitive personal information, they might be trying to steal money or, worse, your identity. Report them to law police or a regulatory agency like the Federal Trade Commission if you don’t want to offer any information.
You can always trust AAA Attorney Services to provide trustworthy process serving, e-recording, and many other legal services in Orange CA.